Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate – October 22, 2024

The Charterwood Municipal Utility District (M.U.D.) invites the public to a hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for the tax year 2024. The hearing will take place on October 22, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the following location:

16444 Cutten Road, Houston, TX 77070

The proposed tax rate for this year is set at $0.32500 per $100 of property value, a decrease from last year’s rate of $0.33750 per $100. This change represents a reduction of 3.70% in the tax rate, aiming to adjust the distribution of the tax burden among property owners.

Analysis of the tax rate shows that if the proposed rate is adopted, the taxes on an average residence homestead will increase by approximately $33.10, marking a 3.24% rise due to changes in property appraisals. The average appraised value of a residence homestead has increased from $318,199 last year to $341,157 this year.

For detailed information on how this proposed tax rate will affect your property and to view comparisons with last year’s rates, please refer to the Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate or visit, this resource provides access to your local property tax database where you can find comprehensive details about proposed rates and public hearings relevant to your property.

Your participation and input are valuable as the Charterwood M.U.D. decides on the appropriate tax rate to support community services and infrastructure.